Why Your ’Super-Fast Internet’ is Super-Slow

Your provider may offer fast internet service, but it may not be the fastest.

Although fiber communications travelat the speed of light, delay and jitter are introduced when traveling through underground glass fiber cabling.

The notion that fiber cables carry communications at the speed of light needs to be revisited. Internet service providers tout fast internet speeds as the future of business and will tell you about the benefits of communicating at the speed of light.

How internet providers compose their fiber pitch makes it sound as if one could only benefit through expensive fiber installation.

Although the speed of light is absolute, traveling at about 300 million meters per second, when traveling through glass, that speed slows down to a fraction of its original speed.

The photon is delayed when traveling through fiber cabling. A photon will lose approximately 33% of its speed when bouncing around and zig-zagging its way through a fiber cable.

When you introduce miles of cabling, with multiple nodes and relay points due to city infrastructure, you’d be surprised by how much speed you can lose.

Our research indicates that up to 66% of your internet speed can be lost due to underground glass fiber cabling.

Your connection speed relies on communications going back and forth on a busy network. This means your connection speed can be twice as slow with delay introduced by glass cables. 

Not all Fast Internet Speeds are the Same

Learn about how ZTelco eliminates jitter and delay caused by under and above-ground wiring. See below to learn about how we are able to offer the top internet speeds around by simply avoiding the city infrastructure and allowing the fiber signal to travel in a straight line.

Want to learn more, see the graphic below and make sure to watch the video.


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