Property Managers Avoiding Expensive Construction Cost for High-Speed Fiber Internet

Property managers hate the idea of construction happening on their property and will do anything to avoid it, but what if tenants have a need for high-speed fiber internet.

Granted, certain construction is necessary to improve or repair underground pipes and sewer systems, but most take for granted that traditional fiber installation requires a lot of construction.

High-speed fiber internet requires construction

Property managers are willing to put up with this type of construction because it will benefit their properties, but unless the construction work includes a new coat of asphalt for the entire property, the signs of construction are obvious when all is said and done.

The result is often broken, uneven streets, obvious patchwork, and uneven repairs that lead to potholes and unhappy tenants. 

Today commercial tenants demand more and property managers are expected to deliver. They work hard to make sure their properties are clean and well-maintained, but when construction damage is evident, there is very little a manager can do to clean it up.

So what is the best solution? Avoiding construction altogether. 

Construction-free High-Speed Fiber Internet for Large Multi-Dwelling Units (MDUs)

Not everyone knows that last-mile, high-speed fiber internet even exists as an option. Large telecom companies that have invested heavily in wired solutions over the decades continue to sell the same solution and are not inclined towards change.

Property managers have come to expect a certain amount of pain when negotiating with telecom companies and reluctantly sign to their agreements.

What property managers can really benefit from is information on alternative options. 

Looking for High-Speed Fiber Internet Options? Contact Us

Fixed Microwave Receivers Transmit High-Speed Fiber Internet Signals

Internet services and phone services via Fixed Microwave are changing the game and are providing fiber broadband communications to properties previously under-served by traditional internet and phone companies.

In the past, if a property were outside of a serviceable area, the provider would be most likely to deny service.

If the area looked promising, they may invest in order to provide a wired solution to the region (they would need a lot more than one customer requesting coverage for this to happen and a lengthy contract from each). Inevitably, these companies pass along the cost to their customer through monthly incremental fees.

So how does that make you feel when you open your bill at the end of the month. Your bill could be significantly lower if it wasn’t for the expensive price of expansion. 

Here’s Our Opportunity to Shine

Ever since our founding, ZTelco has seen the needs of commercial and residential clients grow.

We were early adopters of Fixed Microwave technology for ultra-fast phone and internet service. By placing no-destructive fixed-microwave towers in strategic locations, we can extend our fiber broadband speeds to nearly every neighborhood in Southern California. Our data transmits in a straight line-of-sight signal from location to location without the jitter or delay caused by wired transmission. This allows ZTelco to offer speeds currently unavailable to most. 

What is a Property Manager to Do? 

Considering the cost savings from avoiding construction, you would be surprised by how much you could save and how fast your property could be connected to San Diego’s ultimate wireless fiber broadband network.

Interested? You could qualify for one free month of internet service.

Written by: Marco Castillo, MSGL

This article is written by Marco Castillo, Marketing Director of ZTelco Communications. Marco is a strategic content development expert and is a regular contributor to this blog. If you would like to become a guest contributor, please reach out to with your contact information. Be sure to follow us on FacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn to get regular updates.







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