ZTelco Announces Upgrade to Phone Operations Infrastructure, Switching to World’s Best Data Center

Considered one of the biggest and most important upgrades in our phone operations history, a major data center upgrade has just been announced that will benefit all ZTelco and RingPlan customers.

ZTelco President, Jake Hansen has officially signed a multi-year partnership agreement with the world’s only Sustainable, Tier5® ExaScale Data Center, Switch.com.

Switch LAS VEGAS 8 Data Center — The Core Campus, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - switch-hosting ringplan voip phone operations

Trusted by Top U.S. Government Agencies

Easily recognized as the top data center ecosystem in the world, Switch is known for its incredible reliability, earning the trust of the US government and many fortune 500 companies along the way.

Talk About Reliability, Customers Haven’t Experienced an Outage in Over 22 years

Switch is pushing the industry forward with a 100% uptime offering.

Such an up-time is maintained through innovative technology and industry-leading operations. 

All of which are managed and maintained from military-grade command centers, located at each of their five U.S.-based locations.

Learn more about Switch by visiting their website

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ZTelco Customers to Take Advantage

We are proud to say that new ZTelco customers will automatically be able to enjoy the security and reliability offered by Switch’s Core Campus data center, based out of Las Vegas, Nevada.

ZTelco’s existing customers will begin transitioning to RingPlan business phone operations using the new infrastructure based out of Las Vegas, Nevada in June 2022.

This major decision will further extend the capabilities of our VoIP phone operations, allowing us to maximize the technology that’s currently in use.

It will also give ZTelco developers more flexibility to innovate future tools and features, giving us the ability to do things we can’t do just yet.

The result will be a more powerful phone system that’s easier to manage and scale.

We believe this change will make customers very happy.



ZTelco’s announces one of the biggest changes to business phone operations in the company’s history, announcing a new partnership deal with Switch.com. Quite possibly the best in the business, Switch is leading the industry with a 100% uptime. Aside from a great reputation in data storage and security, the move will give ZTelco the technology they will need to expand services beyond what is currently possible. ZTelco’s new data center will now be Switch’s The Core Campus in Las Vegas, Nevada. More can be learned online by reading the full press release here.

Written by: Marco Castillo, MSGL

This article is written by Marco Castillo, Marketing Director of ZTelco Communications. Marco is a strategic content development expert and is a regular contributor to this blog. If you would like to become a guest contributor, please reach out to sales@ringplan.com with your contact information. Be sure to follow us on FacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn to get regular updates.



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